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Rachel Buckingham

The 5 Cs of Hypnobirthing

The aim of hypnobirthing techniques and an in-depth antenatal education is to provide you with as many tools as possible to see you through the rest of your pregnancy, labour and birth in the best way possible (alongside your midwifery team of course!).

Hypnobirthing courses focus on 5 very important, interconnected, ‘C’s:

👉 Calm – being prepared, creating a positive mindset, using breathing techniques, visualisations, listening to relaxation audios, having a supportive birthing partner. This will allow the helpful hormones oxytocin and endorphins stay in control and help your labour along.

👉 Confident – knowledge is power; if you’re well versed in the labour process and the evidence and rationale behind your care options you’ll feel more confident in making decisions as needed. Relaxations and positive affirmations help you to develop a confident, positive mindset.

👉 Control – firstly, knowing that you’re the boss! No care will be carried out unless you provide your informed consent (apart perhaps from in a true emergency, if you’re not able to). Secondly, hypnobirthing techniques – breathing, visualisations, audios, affirmations – will also help you to stay focused, motivated, empowered and in control.

👉 Choice – there are lots of care options in maternity – in-depth antenatal education can help make sense of them and find the right path for you. This will help you to provide that ‘Informed’ consent, knowing the benefits, potential risks and alternatives, if any, to what’s on offer.

👉 Comfort – learning techniques to provide as much comfort as possible during your labour and birth. This includes positions, massage, stroking, aromatherapy, use of warm water, pain relief options and those all-important hypnobirthing tools – breathing techniques, visualisations, affirmations and audios – to see you through the process of meeting your precious little one.

Feel free to drop me a message to chat and check out my website for lots more information!

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